1GB Internet Percuma untuk semua pengguna Postpaid (Pascabayar) dan Prepaid (Prabayar) yang diumumkan kerajaan selama tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) bermula 1 April 2020 (dari 8.00 pagi – 6.00 petang setiap hari).

Automatik terus masuk
ā€¢ To check your internet balance:
Dial *118*1*1*2# for Prepaid
Dial *118*1*1# for Postpaid
Link: https://www.facebook.com/celcom/photos/a.493888267340705/3083131555083017/?type=3&theater

Tebus data ini melalui aplikasi MyDigi
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/digi/posts/10157990218908818
Link: https://community.digi.com.my/t5/Let-s-Inspire/DigiCares-Keeping-Malaysians-and-Businesses-Connected/ba-p/70977?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=|P:COR|C:covid-19offers-new|G:AWA|&utm_content=FacebookCPC_20200327_Corporate_PPAPost_covid-19offers-new_no-variation#

Tebus melalui aplikasi sama ada MyMaxis, MyMaxis Biz, Hotlink Flex, atau Hotlink RED, atau UMB dan pilih 1GB Daily pass option
ā€¢ Aplikasi MyMaxis, MyMaxis Biz & Hotlink Flex ā€“ Tekan ā€˜Get More Dataā€™ dan pilih ā€˜FREE 1GB / Day Passā€™ di bawah Time Based Pass
ā€¢ Aplikasi Hotlink RED ā€“ Tekan banner di laman utama dan pilih ā€˜FREE 1GB / Day Passā€™. Anda juga boleh mencari Pas tersebut di tab ā€˜Shopā€™
Link: English – https://www.maxis.com.my/about-maxis/newsroom/2020/march/maxis-extends-further-support-for-customers-with-additional-1gb-data-free-every-day-and-continued-priority-on-network-health/
Link: BM – https://www.maxis.com.my/about-maxis/newsroom/2020/march/maxis-extends-further-support-for-customers-with-additional-1gb-data-free-every-day-and-continued-priority-on-network-health/ms/
Link: https://www.maxis.com.my/campaigns/stay-home-stay-connected/ms/#kekal-berhubung

It will be automatically activated for all eligible subscribers. Just wait for the confirmation SMS and start surfing with your FREE 1GB
FAQ: https://www.u.com.my/support/selfhelp/faqs/64/5458?fbclid=IwAR0JGRErRfq7dH4DtDsgVP38M-UBTd2zBUHlCfbLFmBF2GgfydREvh341Po&utm_source=umy&utm_medium=redirector&utm_campaign=1GB
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/umobile/posts/3488359537857164

ā€¢ Tebus/Redeem sekali sahaja melalui aplikasi ONEXOX Black atau dail *150#
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/xoxmalaysia/videos/248459366542003/

Hantar SMS ke 2222 dgn mesej “STAYHOME”
ā€¢ You will have to opt-in via SMS (Send STAYHOME to 2222. You can send your opt-in anytime from 00:01 1-April 2020 onwards)
ā€¢ The bonus will then be activated as early as 8am on 1-Apr-20 or at any time the opt-in is received.
ā€¢ You need to opt-in once during the offer period. From then, your free 1GB data will then be automatically granted on a daily basis at 8am as long as the offer is valid.
ā€¢ You will receive a success SMS notification upon successful opt-in and activation respectively.
ā€¢ You can check the data balance or usage via SMS (Send STATUS to 2222) or via the TT App under the label ā€˜Stay Home Bonusā€™.
FAQ: https://www.tunetalk.com/my/en/now-trending/topic/malaysia-bersama/1gbstayhome?fbclid=IwAR1ZoYMGQh74JReMNHgiuMy_G4Ke0MRrSDRf1P4FDxSA0ZGuTVFWb7Q9ZO0
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/tunetalk/photos/a.430499813113/10158163571858114/?type=3

Automatically receive free 1GB data daily (8.00am – 6.00pm) refreshed daily from 1st April until the end of MCO. No rollover of unused daily Internet
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/MYALTEL/posts/2830375177058801
Link: https://www.altel.my/personal/support/faq/?fbclid=IwAR2QmsC–Sf4DPqQJlspvEQ-63PniTsiqHyWa2tRO4okHcQ_rCcSVb7AmeM

1GB Data will be added to your current data balance
Link: https://support.yoodo.com.my/hc/en-us/articles/900000373803-How-will-the-free-1GB-Data-be-added-to-my-plan-
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/yoodoMY/videos/236283807495707/

Only need to redeem FREE 1GB once. The FREE 1GB will be automatically activated every day.
ā€¢ To check your activation status:
Please dial *123# > select “5 COVID-9:1GB” > select “1 Check Status”
Link: https://www.redone.com.my/promotion/free_1gb_everyday
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/redONEMobile/posts/2887363888013771

Terus ikuti Media Sosial CFM
šŸ“Œ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/134446849963647/posts/3661072323967731/?d=n
šŸ“Œ Twitter: https://twitter.com/cfm_malaysia/status/1245234315551625217?s=12
šŸ“Œ Instagram: https://instagram.com/cfm_malaysia?igshid=x0n52if4bie9
šŸŒUntuk ketahui lebih banyak tips, layari www.consumerinfo.my

Tawaran sepanjang PKP daripada Penyedia Perkhidmatan lain:

šŸ“Œ TM (Unifi)
ā€¢ FREE channels on unifi TV and unifi PlayTV
ā€¢ Unifi Mobile providing FREE data for mobile data sharing with family and friends
ā€¢ Unifi Biz supporting local SMEs to stay productive with productivity tools, Digital Marketing solutions and special financing support from unifi partners
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/myTMgroup/posts/506102563413113

FREE 40GB to access e-learning platform, FrogAsia, and other e-classes.
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/Yes4G/photos/a.10150647480842677/10157290196627677/?type=3&theater
Link: https://ytlfoundation.org/belajardarirumah/?fbclid=IwAR1ec7SzpiJczQ9PQ91dPEoHbFVWQtB6o8s-DMOZST1adIRUkEwzT_a18lA

ā€¢ ASTRO – Complimentary preview for movie and news channels for all Astro customers
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/Astro/posts/10157909900829627
ā€¢ NJOI – tontonan 4 saluran komplimentari
Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/NJOIbyAstro/posts/900269913742059

Terus ikuti Media Sosial CFM
šŸ“Œ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/134446849963647/posts/3661072323967731/?d=n
šŸ“Œ Twitter: https://twitter.com/cfm_malaysia/status/1245234315551625217?s=12
šŸ“Œ Instagram: https://instagram.com/cfm_malaysia?igshid=x0n52if4bie9
šŸŒUntuk ketahui lebih banyak tips, layari www.consumerinfo.my

#UseDataWisely #TerimaKasihTELCO #IkhlasDariHati #CFMmalaysia
#PKP #PerintahKawalanPergerakan #COVID19
#DudukRumahĀ #StaySafe

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